Stephen Takahashi (’13)

1) All Your Favorites:
a. Food: rice
b. Movie: remember the titans
c. Movie Character: coach boone
d. Book (Author): harry potter and the sorcest stone (J.P Howell)
e. Book Character (what book?): Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
f. Show: Sportscenter
g. Type of Music: Alternative Rock
h. Musical Artist or Band: Red Hot Chili Peppers
i. Album: Sleep tupac greatest hits
j. Song (Artist): You and Me (SOJA)
k. Artist: Kenny Treadwell
l. Painting: His Oregon Duck
m. City (foreign or domestic): Los Angeles
n. State: California
p. Place (anywhere): Clamshack
q. Sport: Baseball
r. Activity: Texas Hold ‘Em
s. Hobby: Fantasy baseball
t. Board Game: Risk
u. Monopoly Piece: just the car
Quote:  “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” — Muhammad Ali

2) Why did you choose Santa Clara?
I liked the baseball facilities and the school seemed like a right fit.

3) What draws you to baseball?  What makes it appealing to you?  What is special about the college game?
Everything.  The fact that I fail so much and I continue to want to play.  I love hitting, fielding, and the excitement I get from it.  College baseball is special because all the different personalities put together having the same common goal.

4) How has the fall season gone for the team and you personally?
For the team it has gone well.  The transition from the old coaches to the new coaches has been smooth and everyone is enjoying themselves.  Personally I have done “ok.”  I haven’t run the amount of quality at bats I would like but have learned a lot.

5) Who is your favorite guy on the team to compete with?  To compete against?  Why?
I love to comptete with Justin Viele.  You know what your going to get and its fun to keep up with him.  I like to compete again him as well.  Cause he will be a cocksucker no matter who you are and boy does it feel good to smile at him after a win.

6) Top 5 people, living or dead, to compete against?  In what?

7) 5 people, living or dead, to have coffee with?

8) What would you do with a billion dollars?
Start a stock portfolio and donate to charities.

9) #1 on your Bucket List?
Visit every baseball stadium

10) What’s your ideal 1st date?  Who?  What?  Where?
It would be Mila Kunas.  We would go to a dodger game after a delightful dinner in LA. Then get some desert and watch some television at my place.

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